There is a reason why some individuals and people group seems to experience signs and wonders regularly while others almost never, eventhough, both groups believed in the present day power of God.
Here are some principles. For some, it takes them only a few principles to open the door to this lifestyle, for others a combination of all. Why is that so? I don’t know. All I am sure of, it is all by God’s grace. Realized also that these principles work only in the context of relationship with Jesus. Once they are seen as a legal contract that binds God, they stop working. With that said, here are what I consider the most essential keys to a supernatural lifestyle.
Some people wants the Holy Spirit mainly for utility purposes (Jam. 4:3). They want healing because they are sick. They want a prophetic word because they need encouragement. There is a place for that. And most people’s initiation into the miraculous reality began with a need. However, if we want a consistent flow in this arena, it is important that we grow out of a “bless me” frame of mind and into a “Lord, empower me, for the needy people and because I crave for the world to see your power and goodness.”
Intimacy with God.
John 15:4,7
Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me. 7 If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.
Spend a long time sitting in Jesus’ presence. Talk to him. Listen to him talk in your heart. Worship him and get lost in fascination over his beauty.
Have a supernatural conducive mindset. Meditate on the stories of Jesus and his disciples doing miracles. As you do, keep telling yourself – this is normal Christianity…this is my inheritance… I can do this by his grace.
Do you want to learn how have a wonder full life? Listen to those who exemplify this kind of life. If a man does not flow in the supernatural, I am careful about his opinion regarding the supernatural. Because that may be the very reason why he is not flowing.
Faith is simply trusting that God will do what he promised in his word that he will do.
Faith is evidence in our words and action. For examples; The one who says, “Lord, if you are willing please heal,” believe differently from the one who confidently declares, “Be healed in Jesus’ name.” The former maybe ignorant of God’s mind on the matter, the later is convince of God’s will and the power of attorney given to him by Jesus.
As regarding to action, if you expect (have faith that) the person you prayed over for healing will get well, you are naturally incline to inquire about his condition right after your prayer. It is a true statement that faith is spelled r-i-s-k.
Build your faith by exposing yourself in the miraculous; both in the Word and in the testimonies of those who experienced the Word works. Jesus expanded the mind of his disciples not only by lectures but by exposing them daily in supra-rational activities.
Be constantly filled with the Spirit.
The teaching that you need to be filled with the Spirit only once in your Christian life is a major false doctrine imprisoning the church today in the realm of the natural.
- Ephesians 5:18 in Greek says, “Be filled and keep on being filled.”
- After getting filled by the Spirit on the day of Pentecost, the disciples recognized the need to be filled again in Acts chapter 4.
Jesus told the disciples, “you will received power when the Spirit comes upon you.” The same word for power that was used here is translated “miraculous power” all over the gospel. When they get filled, they received power to do miracles. Relating this with what we’ve talked about; the more times you get filled, the more potential you have for miracles. Acts 2 says people will see visions and will dream dreams. The more times you get filled the more chances you get to see and hear clearly from heaven.
Have friends (barkadas) that are constantly filled with the Spirit. One of my greatest treasures is to be surrounded with people who’s life pursue is to know God deeply and to bring heaven on earth. They challenge my faith in ways like no other. You may be aware that aside from David there are several other giant killers in the Bible, it is not a coincidence that all of them where David’s men.
When you observed a person operating in a gift you desire, if possible ask them to lay hands on you. Especially, those with the gift of impartation. Being an apostle, Paul has this gift. (Rom. 1:11) I have personally driven long distances and even boarded planes for impartation. The God honors spiritual pilgrimages. A wrong attitude many have is “Lord, if you want to touch me, come to me, you know my address.” Tell that to the disciples that followed Jesus everywhere and to those that travel to the desert to hear John the Baptist.
Understand Corporate anointing.
God equips certain ministers and ministries with special gifts to fulfill a special mandate. When you are called to work with or to support them, you are in an advantage, for you will be equip with the same giftings to fulfill that call. If you are not, don’t worry about it, a supernatural life is still the inheritance of every child of God.