The last time I was in Isabela was two years ago. I was in an airport then, in Manila going to Isabela for a revival conference, when I noticed the actress Isabel Granada was in the same airport. I don’t know where she is going, but I took that as a prophetic sign that an explosion of God is coming to Isabela. For Granada is the Tagalog word for bomb.

This morning, I board a plane for Tuguegaro so I may minister at Isabela. Lo and behold I saw the same actress Isabel, in the same plane, a few seats in front of me!

The day after, I left my hotel to do the first meeting, as I pass by the guard house, I saw them watching old movies on television. I should no longer be surprise that Isabela Granda was in it.

For those who does not know Isabela, she is no longer active in show business for many years now.