Ocean of Love
A few days ago, while praying and soaking in God’s presence, God gave me a vision while I was semi-awake.I found myself in the middle …
A few days ago, while praying and soaking in God’s presence, God gave me a vision while I was semi-awake.I found myself in the middle …
Apostle Peter himself has stopped living like a Jew. Galatians 2:14 When I saw that they were not following the truth of the gospel message, I …
Some Reasons Why Most Christians are Not Into Jewish Practices Read More »
During our Impart Class, one lady saw herself in a vision unwrapping a huge gift box. When she finally got the thing opened, out jump …
“The word ‘repentance’ is a fabricated word from the Latin word, penance, and to give religion more mileage the English word became re-penance! This is …
Introduction. There is a reason why some individuals and people group seems to experience signs and wonders regularly while others almost never, eventhough, both groups …
Introduction There are so many miracles and wonders God is doing or can do, I don’t think we can list them all much less remember …
Do physical manifestations have to accompany revival? The best answer from the Bible (Ac. 2:1-13) and church history seems to be that there will usually …